Hi, I'm Frank Velez

Hey there! I'm Frank Velez, just a regular guy from Vancouver with a story to tell. So, I started off doing the whole corporate thing, you know, climbing that ladder everyone talks about. I ended up managing a big tech company, which might sound cool, but it really wasn't.

I was working crazy long hours, no weekends to myself, and worst of all, missing out on hanging with my own kids. One day, it hit me – all the money and success didn't mean anything if I was miserable and hardly ever saw my family.

So, I took a leap and said goodbye to the corporate chaos. I figured there had to be more to life. That's when I kicked off my blog, "Essentialism." It's my space to share what I've learned about keeping things simple and finding what really matters.

Essentialism, for me, is about saying "no" to the stuff that doesn't add value and "yes" to what truly counts. On the blog, I chat about finding balance between work and life, making smart choices, and living in line with what really matters to you.

Come join me on this journey of rediscovery. Let's chat about how to make life less crazy, focus on what really counts, and enjoy the good stuff without all the extra baggage.

Frank Velez
Frank Velez
Frank Velez